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Monthly Archives: August 2024


Children’s Eye Injuries In Naples

By Cardinal Law, P.A. |

Personal injuries pose serious risks to children and often happen at school or during sports and recreational activities. Eye injuries are unfortunately common and can impact victims and their families for long afterward. When the negligence of others is to blame, our Naples personal injury lawyer provides caring, comprehensive legal service, helping you hold… Read More »

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Who Is Liable When Rollover Car Accidents In Naples Happen?

By Cardinal Law, P.A. |

Rollover car accidents can be devastating. They can happen on local roads and highways, causing serious injuries to drivers, passengers, and anyone nearby. You may be entitled to compensation either through the insurers involved or by filing a lawsuit against those at fault. Rollovers are also among the most complex types of cases to… Read More »

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Drive Sober Or Get Pulled Over: Reducing Naples Drunk Driving Car Accident Risks

By Cardinal Law, P.A. |

Local, state, and federal officials routinely work to raise awareness of drunk driving. It is one of the most common hazards on the road and a leading cause of deadly car accident injuries. Throughout the months of August and September, drunk driving rates throughout the country tend to spike. Our Naples drunk driving accident… Read More »

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What To Expect During A Consultation With A Naples Personal Injury Lawyer

By Cardinal Law, P.A. |

Accidents in Collier County are common and a leading cause of death and disability. Even a seemingly minor incident may cause personal injuries that are severe. Sadly, these types of injuries are often preventable, but for the reckless and negligent behavior of others involved. Under the Florida Statutes, you have the right to hold… Read More »

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Car Accidents In Naples Due To Wet Road Conditions: How To Reduce Your Risks

By Cardinal Law, P.A. |

In Naples, Florida, late summer is typically the wettest time of the year. Tropical storms and hurricanes pose significant hazards to residents, particularly on the road. Wet surfaces and increased glare are common factors in Naples car accidents. Our Naples car accident lawyer represents victims and their families when these crashes occur, helping them… Read More »

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Agreeing To An Insurance Settlement Versus Filing A Personal Injury Lawsuit In Naples

By Cardinal Law, P.A. |

Personal injuries in Naples often happen in accidents that are caused by negligence on the part of others. In the aftermath, you have the right to seek compensation for your medical expenses, missed wages, pain and suffering, and other losses. Depending on the situation, you may be entitled to compensation either through any insurance… Read More »

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College Students Heading Off To Campus? Four Ways Personal Injuries In Naples Can Happen

By Cardinal Law, P.A. |

Parents of college-age students are busy getting them ready to resume classes. Whether incoming freshmen or already on the path to getting a degree, you want to do everything you can to ensure their success. Unfortunately, accidents pose serious risks on college campuses and can cause potentially devastating personal injuries. Our Naples personal injury… Read More »

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Being Under The Influence A Common Cause Of Boat Accidents In Naples

By Cardinal Law, P.A. |

Between the open ocean, various inlets, and canals in our area, Naples, Florida is a popular place for boaters. Summer boat traffic peaks over the 4th of July and remains busy throughout the remaining summer and fall seasons. While drinking may seem to add to the fun or help quench your thirst in the… Read More »

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