Back To School Safety: Ways To Reduce Personal Injury Risks In Naples

While there is still plenty of warm weather ahead for Florida residents, those with families are beginning to focus on fall. As children in our area typically resume classes in August, parents are now focused on purchasing the supplies they need to be ready. Amidst all the planning, it is important to spend some time focusing on back-to-school safety. Our Naples personal injury lawyer explains the risks of pedestrian, bicycle, and bus accidents during the school year and the steps you can take to prevent them from happening.
For Parents, Back To School Safety A Top Priority
More than 47,000 children are enrolled in the Collier County School District. Classes resume on August 10, 2022, which means local parents are busy making sure their children have what they need for a healthy, happy, and successful school year.
Personal safety and preventing bicycle, pedestrian, and bus accidents should be a top priority. The National Safety Council (NSC) warns that bike and pedestrian accident rates typically spike during the school year while school bus accidents in Naples are always a concern. Follow these tips to help protect your child and reduce the risks:
If Your Child Bikes To School
- Make sure their bike is well-maintained and suitable to your child’s size;
- Require children to wear a helmet and other safety gear;
- Instruct them to ride on the right side of the road, in the direction of traffic;
- Avoid areas without bike lanes or crosswalks;
- Teach them hand signals, which they can use when sharing the road with other vehicles;
- Advise them not to wear earbuds while cycling or engaging in any activity that could be a distraction.
If Your Child Walks To School
- Help your children pick walking routes that have sidewalks or other designated walkways;
- Make sure there are crosswalks and areas with crossing guards along the route;
- Advise them to look left, right, then left again before stepping into the road;
- Warn them to never assume a driver sees them or will stop;
- Have them wear light, bright colors to increase visibility.
If Your Child Takes The Bus To School
- To avoid rushing, make sure children are up and out of the door in plenty of time to get to the bus stop;
- Advise them to wait in an orderly manner while waiting for the bus and stay at least six steps away from curbs;
- When boarding, instruct children to use handrails;
- Instruct them to remain quiet and in their seat during the trip, to avoid distracting the bus driver;
- When getting off the bus, tell them to make sure the bus driver sees them before attempting to cross the street.
Reach Out To Our Naples Personal Injury Lawyer
Personal injuries can happen, despite taking precautions. In many cases, negligence on the part of others involved is to blame. At Cardinal Law, P.A., we help you hold them accountable. If your child is injured, reach out and contact our Naples personal injury lawyer to discuss your rights in seeking compensation.