Children Going Back To School? Safety Tips To Prevent Personal Injuries In Naples

Summer is winding down in Naples, and local children are getting ready to go back to school. That means parents will be busy buying supplies, signing permission slips, and adapting to their own calendars to better accommodate their student’s schedules. Amidst all the planning, our Naples personal injury lawyer offers the following safety tips to help prevent accidents from happening.
Getting Children Safely To And From School
Classes for students in the Collier County School District start August 10th, 2023. As a parent, one of the most important areas to consider in protecting your child’s safety concerns travel arrangements to and from school. Whether they walk, ride a bike, take the bus, or you drive them to school, these tips can help reduce personal injury risks:
- If you are close enough for your child to walk or bike, do a practice run of the route and be alert for potential hazards;
- Remind walkers to remain on the sidewalk and cross only at designated intersections;
- If they bike to school, provide basic bicycle maintenance and make sure they have a helmet and other safety gear;
- For children who take the bus, remind them to stay three giant steps from the curb and board in an orderly fashion;
- Remind children that when it is time to get off, make sure the driver sees them and never cross directly in front of the bus.
Out of a desire to protect their child’s safety, many parents opt to drive them to and from school. According to the National Safety Council, this means of travel poses the biggest risks. To prevent car accidents in Naples, drive slowly, avoid distractions, keep an eye out for other children, and follow the school’s instructions when it comes to pick-up and drop-off locations.
Reducing Personal Injury Risks For Children Engaged In Sports Or Other Activities
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over half of all children engage in some type of school or sports-related activities. Unfortunately, next to transportation accidents, this is one of the most common causes of personal injuries. To protect them throughout the school year, follow these tips:
- Meet coaches, trainers, and staff for any activities your child is engaged in;
- Make sure they have the proper service to play on and all the appropriate safety equipment;
- Provide emergency contact information and advise them to call you immediately should accidents or injuries happen;
- If they are injured, take them to the doctor right away, regardless of the severity of their systems, and do not allow them to resume play until medically cleared to do so.
Reach Out To Our Naples Personal Injury Lawyer
Personal injuries among children are common during the school year. Unfortunately, these can have major impacts on their health, both now and in the future. At Cardinal Law Firm, we help you get the compensation needed to recover. To request a consultation, call or contact our Naples personal injury lawyer online today.