Drive Sober Or Get Pulled Over: Reducing Naples Drunk Driving Car Accident Risks

Local, state, and federal officials routinely work to raise awareness of drunk driving. It is one of the most common hazards on the road and a leading cause of deadly car accident injuries. Throughout the months of August and September, drunk driving rates throughout the country tend to spike. Our Naples drunk driving accident lawyer explains how the National Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over reduces the risks.
National Campaign Reduces Naples Drunk Driving Risks
Labor Day marks the end of summer. However, with continued warm weather and children back in school, many adults choose this time of year to kick back and enjoy. While there is nothing wrong with having a few drinks while you do, beware of the temptation to overindulge.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that the weeks immediately before and after the Labor Day holiday are the most common for drunk driving. To reduce the risks, the NHTSA conducts the annual Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign during this time.
From August 16 through September 4, the NHTSA is partnering with state and local officials to raise public awareness about the dangers of drunk driving. They also partner with local police, increasing enforcement efforts in the hopes of preventing potentially fatal crashes. Penalties drunk drivers face if apprehended or involved in a crash include:
- Loss of their driving privileges and vehicle registration;
- Mandatory attendance at counseling and drug and alcohol education courses;
- Mandatory community service;
- A potentially lengthy jail sentence, particularly if they are repeat offenders or harmed anyone else due to their actions.
Drunk drivers can also be held liable through civil court for the damages they cause others. This includes the damage to their vehicle, all medical expenses, lost earnings, and additional amounts for pain and suffering.
Protecting Yourself Against Drunk Drivers In Naples
Drunk driving car accidents in Naples are among the most dangerous crashes and can cause life-threatening injuries. According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, an average of nearly 100 happen in Collier County each year, proving fatal for roughly ten percent of all victims. To protect yourself and your passengers on the road, follow these tips:
- Avoid driving if you have any amount of alcohol in your system;
- Avoid getting into a vehicle with someone under the influence and do what you can to keep them from driving;
- Be alert for drunk drivers on nights, weekends, holidays, or in the early morning hours;
- Watch for signs a driver is impaired, such as excessive swerving and driving with their lights off at night.
Get professional Legal Help From Our Naples Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer
Drunk driving car accidents in Naples can cause devastating injuries. Cardinal Law, P.A. protects the rights of victims and their families, providing the professional legal representation you need to hold these drivers accountable. Call or contact our office online and request a consultation with Naples drunk driving accident lawyer today.