Facts About Teen Drivers And Naples Car Accident Risks

Getting a driver’s license is a right of passage for teenagers, and summer provides more opportunities for them to be out on the road. While driving provides a way to work and allows them to joyride with their friends, it also poses serious risks.
Teens are among the drivers most likely to be involved in car accidents in Naples and stand a greater chance of suffering potentially fatal injuries. Our Naples car accident lawyer shares important facts you need to be aware of and ways to reduce crash risks.
Summer The Deadliest Time Of Year For Teen Car Accidents In Naples
Teens are busy throughout the school year, but summer provides a break in the routine. Having a driver’s license allows them greater freedom, but the increased number of teen drivers on the road increases Naples car accident risks.
The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) warns that the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day is referred to as the ‘100 Deadliest Days Of Summer’. This is the time of year when teen car accidents in Florida resulting in fatal injuries are most likely to happen.
Teen drivers have less experience than motorists in other age groups, which increases the risks. They are also still young and immature in many ways, so more likely to engage in dangerous driving behavior that endangers them and others on the road. This includes:
- Going over posted speed limits;
- Tailgating other drivers;
- Suddenly pulling out into traffic and cutting other motorists off;
- Running red lights or stop signs.
How To Reduce Teen Car Accident Risks In Naples
Reckless behavior on the part of teen drivers increases the risk of car accidents in Naples that cause severe, life-threatening personal injuries to them and others. According to the Naples Daily News, a Bonita Springs teen was recently charged with homicide for his role in a fatal Naples pedestrian accident that happened in late 2023.
The teen was reportedly driving at high rates of speed in an attempt to avoid stopping for a red light when he slammed into another motorist, who was pronounced dead at the scene. Sadly, this type of situation happens on an unfortunately frequent basis. To reduce the risks teen drivers can pose to themselves and others on the road, parents, grandparents, or anyone with young people in their lives are encouraged to follow these tips:
- Model safe driving behavior for teens;
- Speak to them about potential risks;
- Require everyone in the vehicle to wear a seatbelt;
- Emphasize the importance of following traffic rules and regulations;
- Restrict their driving privileges if they get a ticket or are involved in even a minor crash.
Contact Our Naples Car Accident Lawyer
When car accidents in Naples happen, Cardinal Law, P.A. helps injured victims and their families get the compensation they need to cover property damages, medical expenses, lost wages, and other costs. Contact our experienced Naples car accident lawyer to request a consultation today.