How To Protect Against Pedestrian And Car Accidents In Naples On New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve is popular in Naples, and excitement builds as midnight countdowns get closer. Alcohol tends to go hand in hand with the festivities. As you and your loved ones ring in 2025, be aware of the potential risks.
Pedestrian and car accidents in Naples are unfortunately common on New Year’s Eve and can cause devastating injuries. Our Naples car accident lawyer helps clients recover and explains how to protect yourself against harm.
New Year’s Eve Is One of the Most Dangerous Nights for Car Accidents In Naples
While ringing in the new year is a lot of fun, it is also one of the most hazardous nights to be on Collier County roads. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), alcohol-related car accidents, common throughout the holiday season, spike on New Year’s Eve.
Alongside drunk driving, increases in traffic, adverse weather, and distracted or drowsy driving are also frequent factors in collisions. To protect yourself and your passengers, take these precautions:
- If you plan on drinking, make arrangements for a sober ride home;
- Make sure you are well-rested before going out, as drowsy driving causes similar impairments as driving under the influence;
- Stay alert and avoid looking at your phone, changing GPS settings, or other distractions;
- Practice defensive driving and keep your distance from other motorists;
- Be aware that car accident risks peak between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m.;
- Wear a seat belt and avoid speeding and other reckless driving behavior.
Taking these precautions can significantly lower your risk of being involved in a collision, not only on New Year’s Eve but at any time of the year.
Reduce Naples Pedestrian Accident Risks on New Year’s Eve
New Year’s Eve fireworks displays are canceled for 2024, with the City of Naples citing heavy traffic and concerns about public safety as the cause. While residents have been outspoken in their disappointment and disapproval, there are still a host of other festivities planned for the downtown area. These typically draw large numbers of pedestrians.
Whether you are walking near the beach, through local parking lots, or in neighborhoods, take precautions to reduce the risk of pedestrian accident injuries in Naples:
- Wear brightly colored or reflective clothing;
- Consider carrying a flashlight to ensure drivers can see you;
- Stick to sidewalks or other designated walkways;
- Use crosswalks at local intersections;
- Walk with groups of people;
- Do not assume a driver sees you or will stop;
- Be particularly cautious the later it gets, which increases your risk of encountering drunk drivers.
To Get Compensation For Your Injuries, Contact Our Naples Car Accident Lawyer
New Year’s Eve should be a time for celebrating, but accidental injuries in Naples put motorists and pedestrians at risk. Cardinal Law, P.A. provides the professional legal representation needed to recover and fights to get you compensation in a claim. Call or contact our office online today to request a consultation with our Naples car accident lawyer.