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Naples Motorcycle Accidents Due To Lane Splitting: Your Legal Rights To Compensation


For motorcyclists in Naples, riding offers freedom and a form of transportation, but it also comes with risks. One of the most hotly debated topics among motorcyclists and drivers alike is lane splitting, when a motorcycle rides between two lanes.

Is lane splitting legal in Florida? And if you are in an accident while doing it, can you still seek compensation? Our Naples motorcycle accident lawyer explains Florida’s laws regarding lane splitting and your legal options in seeking compensation after a crash.

Is Lane Splitting Legal in Florida?

Unlike some states that allow or regulate lane splitting, Florida law explicitly prohibits it. Under Section 316.209 of the Florida Statutes, motorcyclists cannot ride between lanes or overtake vehicles in the same lane. However, they can legally ride two abreast in a single lane, but be aware that doing so can increase the risk of motorcycle accidents in Naples.

Both lane splitting or riding in shared lanes provides little room for errors, making collisions between riders and other motorists more likely. Determining liability in the aftermath is complicated. Insurers will likely to argue that your actions were entirely to blame, but other factors to consider in determining your rights to compensation include:

  • The other driver may still be at fault: If the driver was distracted, reckless, or changed lanes without signaling, they may share responsibility for the accident.
  • Comparative negligence applies: Florida follows a modified comparative negligence rule, meaning others can be held liable as long as you are less than 50 percent at fault.
  • Other factors involved: Poor road conditions, faulty motorcycle parts, or third-party negligence (such as getting cut off by an Uber driver) can spread liability among multiple parties.

What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident in Naples

Lane splitting, though illegal, and driving side by side are common behaviors among motorcyclists in Naples. If you get in this type of crash, take the following steps to protect your rights and your chances of getting compensation in a claim.

  • Notify the police immediately so they can document the accident;
  • Exchange insurance, registration, and contact information with other drivers involved;
  • If possible, take photos of the accident scene and get names and phone numbers of witnesses;
  • Get treated for your injuries as soon as possible and do not downplay the amount of harm you suffer;
  • Do not admit liability when dealing with law enforcement and insurance adjusters;
  • Get trusted legal guidance from an experienced Naples motorcycle accident lawyer before making recorded statements or accepting a settlement.

Injured in a Motorcycle Crash? Contact Our Naples Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Today

If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident in Naples, you need help from an experienced legal professional who understands motorcycle laws, accident liability, and how to fight for fair compensation.

At Cardinal Law, P.A., we have a proven record of success in helping clients throughout Collier County get the maximum amount possible in a claim. Contact our experienced Naples motorcycle accident lawyer.



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