Protecting Yourself Against Bicycle Accidents In Naples

Riding a bicycle is an excellent way to get exercise and provides an environmentally-friendly form of transportation in Naples. However, the amount of traffic in our area poses significant risks to cyclists. Bicycle accidents in Naples happen on an unfortunately regular basis and often leave victims suffering severe personal injuries. Find out how to protect yourself against collisions involving motor vehicles and what to do if you are injured in a crash.
Common Causes Of Bicycle Accidents In Naples
Residents throughout our area enjoy riding bicycles both for pleasure and as a means of commuting to and from work or for running errands. While local officials continue to work at increasing the number of bike paths and lanes in our area to protect public safety, bicycle accidents continue to be unfortunately common.
According to the Naples Pathways Coalition, nearly 200 bicycle accidents in Collier County happen each year. In the majority of cases, reckless and negligent behavior on the part of motor vehicle drivers is to blame. This includes:
- Speeding and driving too fast for conditions;
- Failing to stop at traffic signals;
- Failing to yield right of way at crosswalks;
- Driving distracted or while under the influence;
- Tailgating bicyclists, cutting them off in traffic, and other aggressive driving behaviors.
What To Do If A Naples Bicycle Accident Happens
Collier County Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Reports show that bicycle accidents in Naples are most likely to happen when drivers are either backing up, making turns onto side streets, or driving through intersections. Swerving onto the shoulder of the road and into the path of bike lanes is also a common problem. To protect themselves, bicyclists are encouraged to follow these tips:
- Always wear a helmet and other safety gear when riding;
- Include lights on your bicycle to increase visibility;
- Use hand signals to indicate before making turns;
- Never assume a driver sees you or will stop;
- Ride in the direction of traffic but stick far to the shoulder;
- Look left, then right, then left again before entering intersections.
If a bicycle accident in Naples does happen, report it to the police immediately. Try to get a description of the driver and vehicle, the exact location where the accident happened, and the names and contact information of witnesses at the scene. All of this is important information and can also help in the event of a hit-and-run bicycle accident, which is unfortunately common in our area.
Be sure and seek medical attention right away as well, regardless of the severity of your injuries. Many potentially life-threatening conditions have symptoms that can take hours, days, or even weeks to fully appear.
Our Naples Bicycle Accident Lawyer Is Here To Help
If you or someone you love is injured in a bicycle accident in Collier County, reach out to Cardinal Law, P.A., We provide the professional legal representation you need to get compensation in a claim. To request a consultation, call or contact our Naples bicycle accident lawyer online today.